Bungleboori Canyoning (2016-01-09)

As much as I enjoy exploratory canyoning sometimes it’s nice just to go and do a canyon that you know is going to be good! Many canyons of the Bungleboori have that exploratory feel to them with no tracks once you get off the old firetrail/main ridge, and given it was 7 years since my only previous visit to Luna Park it was almost like doing a new canyon.


Scatters Canyon


Swim/jump in Scatters Canyon (though we climbed around it)


Views from the ridge above Luna Park


James on our first (probably unnecessary) abseil

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James about to jump


James trying to get his descender over the lip of this tricky abseil

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There were some interesting patterns/currents in the water following a week of heavy rain.

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James checking if the ropes reach! Fortunately for Tom his 20m recommendation was adequate…

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Beautiful Dingo Creek