Emmanuelle had a walk on the club program which was to an area I didn’t know anything about. It was great to get out to a different part of the world. It was a beautiful walk.

Tom on the other side of Goodsell Creek

Graham contemplating a magnificent waterhole

Gorgeous section of creek. What a spot to be on a hot summer day.

Anyone would think we were in Kakadu… except for the amount of clothes we’re wearing!

More beautiful cascades. Corang River is a stunner.

Heading up Canowie Brook. Evidence of recent fires is obvious.

After dropping packs at camp a few us decided to head to Yurnga Lookout. The weather conditions almost made us turn back given our chances of views were slim…

Fortunately we persisted as the cloud lifted to give us amazing views across to the Castle and Pigeon House Mountain

There was also an interesting chasm to explore

Wildflower season!

Crossing Canowie Brook on Sunday morning

On our way up to Corang Arch

The party enjoying Corang Arch from many different vantage points

Tom on Corang Arch




