contemplative thought
scrambling down the cascades
pack passing
walking down Myall Creek
Myall Creek
Looking down Myall Creek
Looking across to Ettrema
Rachel on knife-edge between Ettrema and Myall Creeks
A very welcome sight!
Swim close to the end of day 1
sunset at the junction of Myall and Ettrema Creeks
Camp site day 1
the gourmet chef at work
Ettrema creek (above the junction)
Swimming at Sentry Box Canyon
Walking down Ettrema Creek
Someone's home is quickly shrinking
Ettrema Creek
Thompson's Cliff
Limestone pool in Jones Creek
Limestone wall in Jones Creek
Where has all the water gone?
The "cascades" of Gallows Gully
Another gourmet meal
Dinner at the end of day 2
Part way up Transportation Spur
The top of Gallows Gully
Squeezing up to Pardon Point
The final climb to Pardon Point
Magnificent view of Hamlet's Crown and the valley from Pardon Point
More views
Rachel, Gill, Caoimhin, Matt, Kate and Mike at Pardon Point
The highest point?